National Advisory Circle

Nia Damali, CEO/President, Medu Bookstore, Atlanta, GA
Dr. Kwakuitl Dreher, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, English and Ethnic Studies Professor
Marcia Ellis, Indigo Connections Leadership and Management Coach, Washington, DC
Adriane Hill, POISED, A Women’s Non-Profit Literacy Program, City College of New York
Jonae Jackson, Writer/Editor, Atlanta, GA
Venita N. Jacobson, Publicist/Realtor, Mitchellville, MD
Dr. Venita A. Kelly, Kelly Communications and Consulting, Atlanta GA
Keryl McCord, McCord Travel Group and Dream Team Entertainment Group, Atlanta, GA
Iona Morris, Writer/Director/Actor, Los Angeles, CA
Crystal V. Rhodes, Author/Playwright, Indianapolis, IN
Sandra C. Seaton, Playwright, East Lansing, MI
For more information and application, please call

The Writer’s Well, 770-254-9888 or 818-679-2069
PO Box 363, Sharpsburg, GA  30277
Also available for day retreats and private rentals