A sampling of memories from our artist-in-residence
July, 2007
"I got a 10:30 flight out of Atlanta, but then it took me what seemed like days to get into the city. Actually, it was funny. But at last I am home. I do miss the trees, those wonderful trees of Georgia. I have such warm memories from the retreat. There is just so much there that is magical, and you give all of us so much. Thank you.
Michael Angel Johnson, Writer/Professor New York University February 27, 2008
"Adilah, I must confess this has been an experience I don’t think I will ever forget! It just gave me an opportunity to relax and the very serene atmosphere just takes me over into another world.
I’m sure it will have an effect on my creativity especially with colors when I get back to the motherland! As a matter of fact it does remind me of the Aburi Mountains in Ghana …….
I would like to say a big thank you for opening up the Writer’s Well for us to say and experience it all…..
May our ancestors and the Creator continue to bless you and the “Well”. I look forward to the opportunity of visiting sometime again in the future. Best wishes, your brother”
Kwasi, Ghana
Kwasi, Ghana
"The retreat evokes the word "Serenity”! In fact, we named one of the rooms when I was there “The Serenity Room”. This is truly a place to not only write, but to invigorate the soul and to truly move onward and upward!
Now that I have experienced the Writer’s Well, I continue to “walk the world “as if nothing is missing."
Gayle Watts, CEO, The Watts Group, Atlanta Georgia
July 20, 2008
“My Dear Adilah, This has been an experience! Thank you for your guidance and support. The Writer’s Well helped me to find my voice as a writer. It was a transformational adventure. The ancestors would be proud! Sincerely,
Aura Wharton-Beck, Principal and Writer, Mindanapolis
July , 2007
“It was such a great layout with all of the trees and growth. It offers much privacy. Serenity southern style. Truly a landscape for the soul, mind, and body, a place where you can let your mind just drift away underneath the tall trees.”
Calvin Brown, Electrician, Longmont, Colorado
“It was such a great layout with all of the trees and growth. It offers much privacy. Serenity southern style. Truly a landscape for the soul, mind, and body, a place where you can let your mind just drift away underneath the tall trees.”
Calvin Brown, Electrician, Longmont, Colorado
July 21, 2008
"Dearest, Adilah, This visit has truly been a blessing for me. As you know, I came out here to support your party and the Arts Festival. However, I walked away with so much more. This haven, retreat, home, is a loving and artistic place, surrounded by nature, which is truly inspiring. It ignites: creativity, serenity, completeness. It helps you to forget the hustle and bustle of the city, mundane and hectic places. It allows one to slow down, relax and “smell the coffee”, take in the aroma, and appreciate life and what it has to offer.
The artists that are attracted to your retreat appreciate its many magical qualities that inspire on to grow, create and manifest hidden talent, and energize existing ones. Being reunited with familiar artists from my journey as an artist was fantastic. It made me realize how far I’ve come and grown as a performer and how I must not slow down or become as annoyed with the industry that I lose focus or become discouraged; never lose the passion, but always be ready! I will leave today, feeling full, recharged, walk much taller, and feel prouder to have worked and known as many talented ones over the years, leaving room for growth!
Thank you so much for just being you, my auntie, sista, mentor, mother, and friend!
Love Ya!
Best regards always, "
Zorana Edun-Caldwell , North Hollywood, CA
Best regards always, "
Zorana Edun-Caldwell , North Hollywood, CA
July 21, 2008
“Dear Adilah,
What a paradise! I have truly grown spiritually and professionally. The people who pass through The Writer’s Well are incredible and so are you! May you continue to inspire, groom and grow people to their fullest potential? I will be back to write the Fannie Lon Hanier story, a book for children, much love my sistah!”
Mzuri, Actor, Hollywood Florida.
What a paradise! I have truly grown spiritually and professionally. The people who pass through The Writer’s Well are incredible and so are you! May you continue to inspire, groom and grow people to their fullest potential? I will be back to write the Fannie Lon Hanier story, a book for children, much love my sistah!”
Mzuri, Actor, Hollywood Florida.
July 25, 2008
“Dear Adilah,
The Writer’s Well has been full of wonderful surprises for me as a writer and as a human being. I shall cherish my experience a here like a precious jewel, which I shall take out on special occasions. Thank you,”
Michael Angel Johnson, Writer/Professor New York University
September 27, 2008
“Dear Adilah, Thank you so much for the week at the Writer’s Well. I have been able to write peacefully without the distractions of everyday life. I now have the outline of my memoirs and am on my way. I have loved getting to know you. You are a special person and your peaceful spirit has made my story even more enjoyable. Love”
Sue Paoletti, Writer, Los Angeles, CA
July 29, 2009
“Adilah this trip has been a place where I can ‘water my dreams, feed my imagination, and let hope blossom.’ Some of my fondest memories include chasing after the ice cream truck, watching large raindrops fall from the sky in the meditation room (and me and Asiana’s battle with the rainbow colored bug who wouldn’t die, lol) Thank you for inviting me into this Atlanta: “Country” smelling peace. Your hospitality and delicious vegan cooking has made my trip quite enjoyable. “Walk in Balance” (I learn form the best). Thanks for making this a great place to grow and work!!!
Yazmin Monet Watkins, (LAWTF Summer Intern, 2009)
July 29, 2009
“Dear Adilah,
“Dear Adilah,
My friend Barnes, you have truly been a supportive instrument in my life. I admire your spirit and motherly. Now it is truly a blessing to be in your presence and I enjoy every time I’m around. Whether it’s working for you or your parties.
Since I met you, you have truly gave me an insight on humbleness that I can truly appreciate. Your words of inspiration have truly changed my life, and I want you to know that.
Thanks for being there and always will remember you.”
Charles Atlanta, GA
Charles Atlanta, GA
“I always have the best of times!”
Hasifa Rahman, College Park GA
Hasifa Rahman, College Park GA
“Until next time, with love.”
Barlwuh Atue Wih Atlanta, CA
Barlwuh Atue Wih Atlanta, CA
August 03, 2009
“Dearest Adilah,
Thank you for sharing a little bit of Heaven with me and all who come to the Writer’s Well. Thank you for allowing us to quench our thrust for peace, tranquility, and love! For it is all here! And it is a reflection of all the beautiful child of God that you are.
Another could possess this property but it would not be the same. May God continue to bless you with good health, peace, prosperity- and remember collard greens are good, but you deserve the best organic!!!
Florence LaRue (The 5th Dimension) Encino, CA
August 03, 2009
“Dear The wonderful Adilah, You have truly been BLESSED with this beautiful home inside and outside. I appreciate your kindness and generous spirit. You have allowed me to stay in your home to relax and sleep, which is something that many don’t allow.
I thank you for all that you have taught me during this trip in Atlanta. Although it has only been a few days, I have developed many memories, work skills and recipes.
Again Adilah you are such a good woman. So humble and smart. You are such a great actress, writer, leader, performer, and role model.
I wish you the best and much success with everything!!
God Bless!!”
Ariana E. Nabeta Los Angeles CA
“P.S. I began as your summer intern 2009, but I know God brought us together to develop a new friendship, when we can both learn more from each other.”
October, 19-20, 2009
“Dear Adilah,
I came here fully expecting quiet, calm serenity, and a quiet space to allow my creativity to flow- I was not disappointed and what is more, I got more, much more. Not only did I feel “rejuvenated” and energized”, I experienced the quiet warmth and comradeship of Adilah.
Thank you for walking with me and patiently forcing me to open up the result. I think is a book in the making. The astonishing result also is another friend, to add to my circle of dear friends.
My friends, Lena and Carole, now your friends, too, said to me “We feel like we’ve known Adilah for ages.” I agreed, and replied- it feels like I knew her before I got here.
I’m glad I chose this retreat- and perhaps – I will be back- I am recommending the Writer’s Well to others who may also want to kick-start their dream of writing, but also those who may just want a place, a space of peace, and serenity to find themselves."
Ayeelio Adilah, well done“
Anna Bossman- aka Anyorkau Mai, Accra, Ghana
January 02, 2010
“Adilah, Thank you for providing a quiet haven away from it all . Fresh air and the woods. So the frazzled nerves. The Writers Well provides a calm environment where one can focus on work that needs to be done. Peaceful and restful. Ahhhhhhhh……
Thanks again.”
Philip Sokoloff Pasadena CA
Philip Sokoloff Pasadena CA
January 02, 2010
“Thank you Adilah for providing the Writer’s Well to me at this particular time of the year where reflections are a must. I needed a space that would allow to me for writing. The Writer’s Well was nurturing and peaceful.
You were inspiring! Happy New Year 2010.”
Lahiny Pierre Lawrenceville, GA
Lahiny Pierre Lawrenceville, GA
March 17, 2010
“Adilah – Thank you so much for your hospitality! Thanks, again”
Robin, Iowa
Robin, Iowa
April 11, 2010
“Adilah, It was great getting to know you and it was wonderful having your space to write and think. Your exercises were extremely helpful. This story has taken some interesting twists and turns.
I am so inspired by your success at staying true to yourself in this acting business. It gives me great comfort to know it can be done. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.”
Elaine Ray, Stanford University Palo Alto, CA
July 19, 2010
“Ms. Adilah, what can I say.
My stay was refreshing, rejuvenating, healing and inspiring. Upon my return I will be working on the children’s book we spoke of. You are exactly who you say you are. Thank you for being. Walk in Balance for sho’ now.”
Vanessa Adams-Harris, Tulsa, OK
October 2, 2010
“Greetings Adilah! I am so blessed by my time at the Writer’s Well. It has truly lived up to its name. I have had to lower my water pots several times and go deeper each time in order to reach the “good stuff”.
I pray peace and prosperity in all you do. I plan to keep up with your career and am looking forward to reading your book, too.
“ Grace and Peace”
Diane Lewis, Indianapolis, Indiana
March 11, 2011
Thank you Adilah!
"This was precisely the kind of home-away-from-home- without all the distractions of home- that I needed.
You’ve provided a quiet, calm and cozy place to hide up and write, write, write. ‘I’ve made enormous progress on my book manuscript, I terms of actual pages and increased conceptual clarity, and I couldn’t have done it without this precious (and all too rare!) time to reflect and dig deep. "
Warmly Joanna Davidson , Emory University, Atlanta GA